Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Gaze

for my granddaughter Kiera

She is nearly one year old
and has probably learned more
               in this year,
making all the new and strange
than I have in the last twenty.
clearly she has not heard
that stars reside light years away
her eyes are twin blue stars
right here
              before us.
Clearly she has not heard
that blue stars in particular
are so hot
they are gone
in the blink
of a cosmological eye.
Her twin blue stars warm
                with no danger of burning us
or burning out.
Yet there is another kind of light
that arises from her
but does not originate in her.
It is gathered by her presence,
called home by her cheeks.
I have seen this light
                on the cheeks
      of white orchids
in the rainforest of Peru
--a light that filters down through
layered leaves and
     nestles silently on petals,
a soothing glow
          that quiets you
and draws you closer.

Twin suns gazing.
Cheeks gathering.
A small smile summoning.
All saying silently together,    
“I am here.
 I see you.
          I see you
                            seeing me.        
I am awake.
                I am alive!”

C 2014 Bob Kamm

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