Saturday, May 14, 2011

No Justice Here

A  slug of metal
      blew open the skull
of Osama bin Laden
just above an eye
                 for all its lofty visions
and the height of the man
                could not see it coming.
His life ended too fast.
Justice has been served
                but Justice can’t be

He knew no agony
                to approach
                    the suffering
of our brothers and sisters
                mothers and fathers
whose eyes did see an “it” coming
--a tower of glass,
a concrete pentagon
a grassy field
    where lovers might have walked;
and the “it” of all their relatives
                all their countrymen and women
who over and over
have imagined those last seconds of their lives,
                torn at the air
                punched at walls
and found themselves
                imprisoned by visions
    of melted metal,
blood-dyed dust,
                shards of talismans,
     spears of bone.

How can justice be done
for such a sundering of souls?
The blind lady has lost her scales
                and gone begging in the streets.

The gut yearns for
                what it cannot have.
No death could be sufficiently
no solitary confinement
                even in the darkest dungeon sufficiently
no revenge sweet enough
to wash out the bitter spit
                he left in our mouths.

So let’s not talk of justice done.
Let’s say simply,
“He’s dead…
one less psychopathic killer
                on an earth
that still has plenty left to
                lift the bloody mantle
                                as if it were a sacred shroud.
C 2011 Bob Kamm

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